The Conservation Trust of Puerto Rico: Para la Naturaleza
Hacienda La Esperanza

AIA Honor Awarded for Built Work
The project consists of designing several structures on the estate of La Esperanza Natural Reserve which has 2,212 acres of land with several ecosystems. The new facilities will allow visitors to participate in educational and investigative activities focused on a direct relationship with the nature and history of the place. Within the estate of the reserve is the Historic Precinct; an extension of 14 acres on which the historic sugar mill foundations still stand.
Our project relies on this existing historic presence, and it is used as a guideline to build six new structures that will house the Visitors Center, dormitories, nursery for plants, a building for special events, and a storage building for the maintenance of the premises. Also, the reconstruction of the existing Casa del Marques has already been fulfilled, and the existing Sugar Mill and storage house will be re-design to accommodate the new educational and research goals. The project is registered by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC), and we are expecting to achieve the highest certification level (Platinum).